Mittwoch, 7. März 2007

Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions


The mission of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions is to cultivate harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its other guiding institutions in order to achieve a peaceful, just, and sustainable world.


The vision of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions is of a just, peaceful and sustainable world in which:

* The Earth and all life are cherished, protected, healed and restored
* Religious and cultural fears and hatreds are replaced with understanding and respect
* People everywhere come to know and care for their neighbors
* The richness of human and religious diversity is woven into the fabric of communal, civil, societal and global life
* The world's most powerful and influential institutions move beyond narrow self-interest to realize the common good
* Religious and spiritual communities live in harmony and contribute to a better world from their riches of wisdom and compassion
* All people commit to living out their highest values and aspirations

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Astrid Haarland M.A. Politologin - Soziale Kunst- und Ausstellungsmacherin - Commander/ISLA - a.haarland(at) - Choose safe communication ... ;-)



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