Freitag, 20. April 2007

Better To Be A Mortal Than A Greek God

Author: Gregory Elder Source: Redlands Daily Facts (CA)
via Wren's Nest Spirit News

Women's voices have not survived from the past as well as we might like, and this is more true in ancient history than in modern. In worlds where most of the writing was done by and for men, the few literate women whose writings were did not always survive. But there are a few wonderful exceptions, and one of these is Miss Praxilla of Sicyon, who flourished some time around 450 B.C.

She was an accomplished poet who wrote hymns to the Greek gods, wedding choruses and possibly some drinking songs. But, while sadly only fragments of her work survive, there is at least one sweet poem which comes down to us intact.


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Astrid Haarland M.A. Politologin - Soziale Kunst- und Ausstellungsmacherin - Commander/ISLA - a.haarland(at) - Choose safe communication ... ;-)



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