Samstag, 21. April 2007

tree-hugging pagans, socialists, New Age worshippers of Satan

via Wren's Nest Spirit News:

In 2005, 1200 concerned scientists issued a statement that “Biodiversity is being irreversibly destroyed by human activities at an unprecedented rate”. It was estimated that as many as 50, 000 plant and animal species disappear each year. In April 2007, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned “there is observational evidence” regarding the impact of climate change on physical and biological systems. It has serious consequences for agriculture and food security. Examples of this include drought and famine in Africa, and heightened frequency of flood in Asia.

Sadly, while increasing number of progressive Christians are beginning to view the environmental crisis as a spiritual issue deserving the attention of all people of faith, the Christian Right has chosen to limit their discourse to homosexuality and abortion. Demonizing the environmentalists as “New Age worshippers of Satan”, and calling them everything from “tree-hugging pagans” to “socialists”, the neo-cons have ignored the undeniable facts about environmental degradation.

The media has brought attention to the environmental debate among the evangelical Christians, but have failed to ask the most important questions: Why does the Christian Right hate the environmental movement so much?


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Astrid Haarland M.A. Politologin - Soziale Kunst- und Ausstellungsmacherin - Commander/ISLA - a.haarland(at) - Choose safe communication ... ;-)



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