Freitag, 9. September 2005


Eine Attac-Quellensammlung, faz inklusive. Mag sein, dass ich jetzt endlich dieses Steuermodell verstehen werde.


'Für das Phänomen des überforderten Mannes, dem es nicht mehr gelingt, sich aus eigener Kraft festzulegen, hat man den Begriff „Hugh-Grant-Komplex” kreiert.'


Wieso - Weshalb - Warum

Kommentare zu: Musizieren statt Beten? Musik schützt vor Menschenverachtung nicht. Heydrich beispielsweise soll ein guter Geiger gewesen sein.


Fischer an Westerwelle: "Hier geht es nicht um Männerfreundschaften." Interessant, wie der schöne Schein der Toleranz sich in solchen verbalen Seitenhieben auflöst.


ABC News: 'Powell doesn't think race was a factor in the slow delivery of relief to the hurricane victims as some have suggested. "I don't think it's racism, I think it's economic," he told Walters.

"When you look at those who weren't able to get out, it should have been a blinding flash of the obvious to everybody that when you order a mandatory evacuation, you can't expect everybody to evacuate on their own. These are people who don't have credit cards; only one in 10 families at that economic level in New Orleans have a car. So it wasn't a racial thing — but poverty disproportionately affects African-Americans in this country. And it happened because they were poor," he said.'




Astrid Haarland M.A. Politologin - Soziale Kunst- und Ausstellungsmacherin - Commander/ISLA - a.haarland(at) - Choose safe communication ... ;-)



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