Sonntag, 21. Januar 2007



MaybeLogic Academy: Online Courses

Betreff: [starhawk] Starhawk's Upcoming Online Courses
Von: Starhawk
An: To-EAT
Datum: 19.01.07 20:10:38 Uhr

Hi friends, my new online course is about to start, but there is still time to register through MaybeLogic Academy. If you’ve been wanting to take a course or workshop, but haven’t been able to catch me, now’s your chance! Please forward this to others who might be interested, thanks, Starhawk

Jan. 29-March 11
The Inner Compass: Finding and Holding the Vision

In the ancient, pre-Christian Goddess traditions of Europe and the Middle East, the earth is sacred: a living being that all of us are part of. Witches, shamans, and Pagans draw on the balance of life for knowledge, renewal and healing.

But right now, at this crucial moment in time, that balance is threatened by global warming, social and environmental breakdown. Our society is faced with a huge challenge—the necessity for fundamental changes in our way of life. Each of us alive today is here for a purpose. We each have a unique role to play in bringing about that transformation—our own gifts, our own vision. And the earth needs us each to be our most creative, compassionate and powerful self.

But how do we find that vision, our purpose for being here, our true work? How do we step up to the challenge, and how can we hold a vision through times of adversity, and find the courage to overcome fears, blocks and challenges?

For some of us, it’s hard to see the vision clearly. Others may need support to take new steps and dare new paths. Some of us may already be on the road, but need help to sustain our energy and enthusiasm when obstacles loom and setbacks appear. The greatest gifts are often found after hard climbs on twisted paths.

Magic, “the art of changing consciousness at will”, offers us tools. In this six week online course, Starhawk will guide us through a process of discernment and reflection, to find and identify our big vision, and develop the grounded spiritual practice that can be our base as we dare to make it real.

Using readings, meditations, directed exercises, journaling and discussion, we’ll find the inner compass that can guide our choices, connect to the allies that can support us, find the courage to face challenges and overcome fears, and the strength to take our vision out into expression and action.

When we put our lives toward the service of the sacred, powerful allies and great powers of regeneration and renewal work through us.

Readings based on Starhawk’s books:

The Twelve Wild Swans (with Hilary Valentine) HarperSanFrancisco, 2000.

Truth or Dare: Encounters with Power, Authority and Mystery, Harper & Row, 1988
(dt: Mit Hexenmacht die Welt verändern)

To enroll, go to:

And later in the spring, I’ll be offering”

April 23-June 3
Earth as Teacher, Earth as Healer

Whether we are looking to heal and transform our personal hurts or the huge wounds our society inflicts on the earth and other human beings, the earth herself is our greatest teacher and healer…

Readings based on Starhawk’s book The Earth Path: Grounding Our Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature. HarperSanFrancisco, 2004.




Astrid Haarland M.A. Politologin - Soziale Kunst- und Ausstellungsmacherin - Commander/ISLA - a.haarland(at) - Choose safe communication ... ;-)



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